The Future of Work: Toward a Greener, More Just and Equitable Global Economy

09/22/2022 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM MT


Denver Startup Week HQ
Denver, CO 80202
Room Number: 1137 16th Street


Presented by



WorldDenver is on the Main Stage at Denver Startup Week! 


The Future of Work is a panel discussion from WorldDenver, the World Affairs Councils of America, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and GlobalMindED, focused on the many ways that Denver’s international business community is leading a global transition to a greener, more just and equitable workplace.

The panel will be led by Kevin Cassidy, a Director from the ILO and an expert in international development and workplace culture, and will feature top executives from Denver’s global business community. Panelists will share innovative approaches for increasing equity and sustainability in the workplace and discuss challenges and opportunities for the future of work in a post-COVID environment.



About Our Speakers:


Moderator: Kevin Cassidy 
Director and Representation to the Bretton Woods and Multilateral Organizations \ ILO Office for the United States

Kevin Cassidy, with over 33 years of international development experience, is currently the Director and Representative to the Bretton Woods and Multilateral Organizations for the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for the United States. 

Prior to this appointment, Mr. Cassidy served as the Senior Communications and Economic and Social Affairs Officer for 11 years in the ILO Office for the United Nations with additional responsible for partnerships in North America. 

During this time, Mr. Cassidy worked with member States to organise Heads of State/Government and Ministerial level events highlighting decent work as well as introducing policy language on key development issues into the resolutions and outcomes documents of the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee and the Commissions of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 

Before his assignment to New York, Mr. Cassidy was the Chief Technical Adviser for the ILO’s Global Campaign on Promoting Fundamental Rights at Work. During that time he developed numerous communication initiatives in over 40 countries such as interactive radio and television programmes as well as training journalists on communicating locally on decent work, child labour, forced labour, discrimination and the freedom of association. 

Prior to joining the ILO, Mr. Cassidy worked for the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF-UK) in London as the Operations, Communications and Partnership Director. His work with the AKF-UK focused on rural and community-based development in Central and South Asia. 

Mr. Cassidy has worked in several UN offices during his career including the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) on the issue of landmines, the Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA), the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Ban Ki-moon), the UN Department of Public Information and the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), New York.

Mr. Cassidy holds a Masters’ of Economic and Political Development from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.


Panelist: Charlyn Moss
Chief of Staff, EdSolutions

Charlyn currently serves as Chief of Staff at EdSolutions, an adolescent education consulting firm. Her role includes acting as strategic partner and trusted advisor to the CEO. Prior to her role as Chief of Staff, she worked with Redstone Strategy Group consulting for funders in both the Education and Economic Equity practices. Her most notable project involved working on and managing the strategy refresh for a client’s $300 million portfolio of national K-12 education investments.

Charlyn is a serial entrepreneur and creator. She’s been hosting and directing a creative team for her empowerment podcast and platform, Working Within, since January of 2021. The podcast provides a channel for her to further explore topics in personal development with guests who deserve to be on the record, yet who tend to be underrepresented in their fields. To date, she’s hosted guests like Wanda James, the first Black woman cannabis dispensary owner in the US, and Christiane Pendarvis, the Co-President of the Savage X Fenty brand by Rihanna.


Charlyn received a B.S. in Business Administration with a Finance concentration from the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis and was named one of two Best & Brightest Business Undergrads for the class of 2020. She also received the Dean’s Special Service Award and Nelson Mandela Leadership Award for organizing the school’s first annual Diversity & Inclusion Summit and for hosting Angela Davis through her leadership involvement with Teaching Racial Understanding Through Honesty.


Residing in the Denver metro area, Charlyn serves as President of the Young Professionals Inclusive Leadership Council for GlobalmindEd and was selected as a 2022 Connect Leadership Fellow for the Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado. Charlyn speaks often about her personal mission, entrepreneurship, social impact work, leadership, personal power, and mindset at her alma mater, conferences, and on panels. In her free time, she writes, exercises, and travels. 

Panelist: Pamela Tomey
President, CSU Global

Panelist: Shannon Jahn
Green Workforce Lead, Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resilience